Category Archives: HB/JU

Mont Raimeux HB/JU-001 27.06.2020

After deferred 2 time a because of wx, the Swiss activation Day toke place the 27. June 2020.  Due to traffice jams, i arrived late at the summit. It was a drive in summit with a very small hike to the activation zone. It was already very crowded and all the space to mount an antenna have been busy. So i installed a vertical antenna (Buddy stick), which was very bad for Swiss Summits.  I still could work some Swiss Summits.

This summit is ideal to go with your XYL, Tables, Benches all available, unfortunately busy on this day.




thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)

La Montagne – Rechtenberg HB/JU-004 28.09.2017

Since i planed a second activation in HB/JU i had another one hour drive to “Chalet des Amis de la Nature, Rettemberg, Rue du Boutchu, 2824 Vicques JU”, from here a hike  through the Wood, there is no sign at the top, you must navigate yourself. I use Oruxmaps, i can recomend this app for Android. A dead fallen tree trunk was my temporary shack. The antenna wire i throw over the trees. From this location, i could work Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia and Poland on 40m. 3 s2s out of 15 QSO.



73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)


Mont Raimeux HB/JU-001 28.09.2017

After a drive from 1h i arrived at “Vers les Maisons 95, 2745 Grandval”, from here there is a 10minute hike to the top of Mont Raimeux. The way goes across a meadow full of cattle. Well they fled as they saw my dog. HI. At the top we have tables and benches, a perfect place for my shack.I setup the antenna again as inverted L and worked Switzerland, Wales and Greece, Two QSO out of 4  as s2s. one QSO on 20m the rest on 40m.

Take care, the net for your cellular could be a french provider.



73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)