Monthly Archives: July 2021

Moleson HB/FR-019 23.07.2021

A sunny day, we decided to go for an easy one. Le Moleson is in the heart of cheeseland Fribourg and Gruyere.  From the village of Moléson-sur-Gruyères a funicular leads to Plan Francey (1,517 m), from where the cable car starts. After a short hike you are at the top. The activation area is limited and a lot of people are on that place. I installed my antenna on top of a fence. Within a half hour i had  10 QSO from that 2 S2S, i know both OM’s personally.

Later we walked down an went by Bus to Gruyeres, a small old town and had some food.


Total distance: 6007 m
Total climbing: 74 m
Download file: moleson(1).gpx

thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)