Monthly Archives: August 2021

Gurten HB/BE-111 26.08.2021

Today we went to the local mountain of Bern, named Gurten. Wx was like autumn, a sunny day with light wind from east. As tried to setup the antenna they started to mow the grass, rigth where i wanted to install my antenna.  I called him to mow first here, what he did, so i gave him a tip for this. After a short time i was ready to work. The band was quite busy, but i found a space and started calling.  After the lunch we walked down.

On our way down, we had some luck to see a young falcon trying to hover above the ground, later he sat on a tree and i toke a picture from far away, may be you can  see him.



Total distance: 2781 m
Total climbing: 6 m
Download file: gurtenbe111.gpx


thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)

Born HB/SO-016 18.08.2021

Today i went with my XYL for a shotz activation to the nearby Born, a Hill with 719m, This time we went from the Back side, it has an easier ascent to the top. WX was not to hot, perfect for this Hike.  After 50 minutes we got to the activation area and i started by setting up my antenna. Soon after i had my first QSO  with HB9GIN doing a first activation of HB/UR-076, together with HB9DQM, i had later a Qso with him as well on 40m. The conditions where no so good, i had not the best reports. Anyway i got enough.

Total distance: 3179 m
Total climbing: 216 m
Download file: bornso0016.gpx

thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)