Category Archives: HB/NW

Musenalper Grat HB/NW-017 06.10.2022

Our target today for my XYL and me is the Musenalper Grat. We took the easy way to get to the Top. There are two different Cable Cars. First from Niederrickenbach Station to Niederrickenbach Dorf , from here with a small Cable Car to the Summit.  Once at the top, there is a short walk to the Activation Zone. All of a sudden a cool wind showed up and my XYL wanted to have a Drink in the Alpbeizli. We took a Glas of white wine and since i had some cold fingers i took a special coffee Zwetschgen Luz. A Hot coffee in a Glass, few coffee and more schnaps. They bring the coffee and put the Bottle with the schnaps on the Table, you may server your self.

After the break we walked down to Niederrickenbach Dorf and from there back home by Public Transport


thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)

Bürgenstock HB/NW-019 09.09.2021

First time this year i went with Junior to an easy one, we decided to drive up to Bürgenstock, instead the public transport. After a short hike, i started installing my antenna, as it started to rain, well all in a bag and a raincoat as cover. When the pants were wet, the rain stopped. I took my gear and checked for a S2S, none so far. Around 9:30h i started calling cq and in no time i had 15 QSO.  Since all was wet, we went down over the so called Felsenweg. Its a cliff  path with a fabulous view to Lake Lucerne and Rigi. On the way down to the Bürgenstock Resort you walk by the Hammetschwand Elevator.

From this place you may see more than 10 Sota Summits.




Total distance: 6839 m
Total climbing: 300 m
Download file: burgenstockhbnw019.gpx



thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)

Chaiserstuel HB/NW-008 19.09.2020

During the First European SOTA Day on September 19, 2020, i decided to go to Chaiserstuel to make some QSO. It takes some time to get there. From Oberrickenbach is a cable car to access the Bannalp area. From here you may have a hike to Engelberg,named Walenpfad. We went to the opposite direction to HB/NW-008.  Due to Covid-19 we arrived late at Bannalp.

This time i went with my son. The hike was diverted because off aggressive cowsEnglish Version about crazy cows. After around 2h we got to the top. On Top is a flat area, you could make a Soccer field, that big. After installing my equipment i started listening an looking for S2S. Since there was very bad coverage of cell phone, it was not so easy to find OM’s. Anyway i managed to get enough to get my points.



Total distance: 4253 m
Total climbing: 690 m
Download file: chaiserstuhl-nw-008.gpx

thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)