Category Archives: HB/FR

Mont Vully HB/FR-036 28.04.2022

As my XYL wanted to have a trip, i decided to got for an easy one. By public transport we got to Sugiez, the starting point of our hike today. The summit to reach today is Mont Vully. Along the lower hillside, there is every inch reserved for wine grapes. They cultivate the grapes called Chasselas, a white wine well known in Switzerland.

The propagation was not very good this morning, i worked half a hour , to get some QSO.  Fortunately a bunch of S2S.

Later we had a glass of white wine in Murten, before we left to get back home.


Total distance: 2815 m
Total climbing: 230 m
Download file: Fr-036.gpx

thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)

Moleson HB/FR-019 23.07.2021

A sunny day, we decided to go for an easy one. Le Moleson is in the heart of cheeseland Fribourg and Gruyere.  From the village of Moléson-sur-Gruyères a funicular leads to Plan Francey (1,517 m), from where the cable car starts. After a short hike you are at the top. The activation area is limited and a lot of people are on that place. I installed my antenna on top of a fence. Within a half hour i had  10 QSO from that 2 S2S, i know both OM’s personally.

Later we walked down an went by Bus to Gruyeres, a small old town and had some food.


Total distance: 6007 m
Total climbing: 74 m
Download file: moleson(1).gpx

thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)