Monthly Archives: December 2021

Rigi Kulm HB/SZ-021

my plan for today was to activate Calmut, with a nice Snowshoe Track. Due to a problem in Main Station Lucerne, they blow up an ATM . I had to change my plan. I went over Zurich to Arth-Goldau, from there to Rigi-Kulm.
That means no walking, no Snowshoe, just 9 easy points. At the top i found a nice windy bench for my activation. By time, the time seemed to get colder every minute. Anyway i’am here to do a Job.

Once installed, i check the 40m, but this was to busy to find a free frequency. After checking 20m i foudn a free spot for me. my fingers started freezing as i got the first QSO, even a S2S. After a quarter hour i had 10 QSO and frozen finders. Time to get a Hot Swiss coffee.


thank you for QSO, 73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)